Corinth Pipeworks present at TUBE fair in Dusseldorf

Tube and wire Düsseldorf is considered to be among the most important events worldwide. On over 51,100 square metres of net exhibition space, Tube - the International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair covered the full range of pipe and tube manufacturing, processing, treatment and trade. Pipelines, OCTG technology, profiles, machines and many more supplemented the line-up presented by a total of 1,278 exhibitors from 51 countries.
Once again, Corinth Pipeworks had a successful presence during which the new fully operational LSAW pipe mill was presented in combined events along with its supplier SMS. The new line is already producing its first orders from which worth mentioning is the supply of large diameter pipes for the onshore part of Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP). 
Corinth Pipeworks also presented its unique range of solutions like the complete range of external/internal coatings up to 24m pipes and the new CWC facility targeting the offshore projects, to be installed in late 2016