Cenergy Holdings is actively supporting the technological development and contributes to the research of solutions that can bring the hydrogen era closer and achieve a greener future.

Continuing this, Cenergy Holdings joined as a member Hydrogen Europe Industry, the leading European association promoting hydrogen as the enabler of a zero emission society. With over 165 industry members, Hydrogen Europe partners with the European Commission and the research community in a public-private partnership, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen to Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). The FCH JU drives a funding stream worth €EUR 1.3 billion to accelerate the market introduction of these clean technologies in energy and transport.

Valuable members are ENGIE, Equinor, E.on, Energinet, Enagas, GRTgaz, RWE, Siemens, Snam, Total etc. as well as DEPA and DESFA.

Cenergy Holdings companies, Corinth Pipeworks and Hellenic Cables experts participate in the Technical Committees and Working groups with the view to find solutions in a cost effective way to the secure transportation of hydrogen.

This initiative is coming in close relationship with the recent signature of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. R&D programs for hydrogen transportation through existing or new energy networks and the important task of Standardization &and Regulations will create the basis for the transition to a hydrogen economy.  


Hydrogen Europe in a few words


> Mission

Bring together diverse industry players, large companies and SMEs, who support the delivery of hydrogen and fuel cells technologies. Enable the adoption of an abundant and reliable energy which efficiently fuels Europe’s low carbon economy.


> What we do

We represent the views and aspirations of the hydrogen and fuel cells industry in Europe.
We seek to promote hydrogen and fuel cells as clean and efficient technologies.
We are a dedicated resource for stakeholders wanting more information on the benefits hydrogen and fuel cells could bring to society.
We develop, in coordination with our members, the necessary materials, documents and position papers to achieve our mission.
We help our members to develop their business activities in Europe.
Learn more in https://hydrogeneurope.eu/